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武警医学  2012, Vol. 23 Issue (8): 671-673    DOI:
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柳 青1,李慧芳2,刘丽凤1,董瓅瑾3
030006太原,武警山西总队医院: 1. 药剂科, 2. 心内科;3. 300162天津,武警后勤学院
Clinical analysis of diltiazem hydrochloride combined with nitroglycerin in the treatment of unstable angina pectoris
LIU Qing1,LI Huifang2,Liu Lifeng1,and DONG Lijin3.
1. Department of Pharmacy, 2. Department of Cardiology, Shanxi Provincial Crops Hospital, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Taiyuan 030006, China; 3. The Logistic University of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Tianjin 300162, China

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