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  2012, Vol. 23 Issue (12): 1056-1059    DOI:
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张晓东1,张建荣2,朱 愿1,宋 洁1,李 瑛1,李 辉1
1. 300162天津,武警后勤学院附属医院肾脏病科; 2. 100039北京, 武警总医院肾脏病科
Correlation between the micro-inflammatory state of maintenance hemodialysis patients and progression of carotid intima-media thickness
ZHANG Xiaodong1,ZHANG Jianrong2,ZHU Yuan1,SONG Jie1,LI Ying1,LI Hui1
1. Department of Nephrology, the Affiliated Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces Logistics College, Tianjin 300162; 2. Department of Nephrology, General Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Beijing 100039,China

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