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武警医学  2013, Vol. 24 Issue (4): 286-288    DOI:
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1.518057,深圳市北科细胞工程研究所;2. 100037,武警北京总队第二医院生物治疗科;3.411201湘潭,湖南科技大学理论化学与分子模拟省部共建教育部重点实验室
Fluorescence and chromogenic substrates rapid test for screening influenza A virus
YU Hongyu1,WANG Shuntao2,LIU Bin3,and LI Xiaofang3.
1. Shenzhen Beike Cell Engineering Institute, Shenzhen 518057; 2. Biotherapeutic Center, 2nd Hospital of Beijing Armed Police Forces, Beijing 100037; 3. Key Laboratory of Theoretical Chemistry and Molecular Simulation of Ministry of Education, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China

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