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武警医学  2016, Vol. 27 Issue (12): 1221-1224    DOI:
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王子姝1, 乔继文2, 任德玉3
1.100730,北京协和医院院办公室;030006 太原,武警山西总队:2.总队医院医务处,3.后勤部卫生处
Connotation of clinical performance of Healthcare Providers and construction of evaluation index system: analysis on the job responsibility and evolution of individual performance structure
WANG Zishu1, QIAO Jiwen2, and REN Deyu3
1.Hospital Office of Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100730, China;
2.Department of Medical Services of Hospital; 3.Health Department of Logistics Department,Shanxi Provincial Corps, Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Taiyuan 030006, China

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