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武警医学  2022, Vol. 33 Issue (10): 848-852    DOI:
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马宁, 左志高, 买志彬, 晁炜静, 张源, 潘蓓, 郑晓璐, 赵倩
450052 郑州,武警河南总队医院特色专业一科/武警部队眼科研究所
Effect of femtosecond laser-assisted phacoemulsification in treatment of military lens subluxation patients
MA Ning, ZUO Zhigao, MAI Zhibin, CHAO Weijing, ZHANG Yuan, PAN Bei, ZHENG Xiaolu, ZHAO Qian
Department of Opthalmology, Henan Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Force; Institute of Ophthalmology of Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Zhengzhou 450052, China

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