Evaluation of eliminating lipid interference in biochemical examination using dilution method |
ZHANG Yunxiu,SHI Yuying,SHENG Huiguang, and WANG Peichang. Clinical Laboratory, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053,China |
Abstract To compare the difference in the effect of eliminating lipid interference in biochemical examination between dilution with deionized water and high-speed centrifugation. MethodsThe appropriate dilution with deionized water by triacylglycerol nterference test was selected. Dilution with deionized water and high-speed centrifugation (13000 r/m, 10 min) were compared in the effect of eliminating lipid interference in biochemical examination and analyzed using paired T-test. ResultsALT, AST,CK, CKMB, CREA, UREA, GLU, AMY, and LPS results by dilution with deionized water were consistent with those by high-speed centrifugation. The difference was not statistically significant. ConclusionsDilution with deionized water can eliminate the impact of lipids and provide clinicians with accurate biochemical test results.
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