Electrophysiological changes in uremic dialysis patients before and after hemodialysis |
LI Ping,WU Tingting,QIAO Hui,LIU Yang |
Department of Electrophysiology, Beijing Neurosurgical Institute, Beijing 100050, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze electrophysiological changes in uremic patients before and after hemodialysis. Methods Twenty-three hemodialysis patients were enrolled and electrophysiological tests were performed before and after hemodialysis ,including tibial nerve, peroneal nerve,sural nerve, and the skin sympathetic response. The electrophysiological changes were observed and the relations between electrophysiological parameters and blood parameters in uremic dialysis patients before and after hemodialysis were analyzed. Results The main electrophysiological changes were prolongated F wave latency of tibial nerve,slowing of nerve conduction, prolongated distal latencies, decreased amplitude.Comparison before and after hemodialysis showed that the motor and sensory nerve,skin sympathetic response had a significant difference (P<0.01 or P<0.05). The F wave latency of posterior tibial nerve and Cr were positively correlated; the latency of distal posterior tibial nerve and K was positively correlated,with its amplitude and BUN,P negatively correlated.The motor conduction velocity of posterior tibial nerve and UA were negatively correlated, with its amplitude and Mg,K negatively correlated.The sensory conduction velocity of common peroneal nerve and Cr,Bun were negatively correlated;the motor conduction velocity of common peroneal nerve and Cr were negatively correlated.The sensory conduction velocity of sural nerve and Cr,BUN were negatively correlated. Conclusions After hemodialysis the abnormal peripheral neuropathy in uremic patients is improved significantly,its change is in conformity with the change in.Electrophysiological examination can be used as an important auxiliary examination to observe the progression of the disease and to evaluate the therapeutic effect.
Received: 13 July 2012
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池艳春,宋立群.血液透析滤过及血液灌流治疗尿毒症性周围神经病变的临床疗效观察[J].中国血液净化,2006,5(11):768.[2] 喻红霞,张丹红.尿毒症周围神经病电生理分析[J].现代实用医学,2009,21(11):1187.[3] 车峰远,蒋建章.尿毒症周围神经病临床与电生理分析[J].神经疾病与精神卫生,2003,22(3):215-216.[4] 崔丽英.简明肌电图手册[M].北京:科学出版社,2006:184-198.[5] Lyn Weiss, Julie K.Silver, Jay Weiss 著.元小冬 译.轻松学习肌电图[M].北京:北京大学医学出版社,2007:182.[6] 党静霞.肌电图诊断与临床应用[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2005:40.[7] Togura,Amkninodan,Tkubo,et al.Electrophysiological course of uraem ic neuropathy in haem odialysispatient[J].Post Grad Med J,2001,77:451-454.[8] 卢祖能.实用肌电图学[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2000:65.[9] 段晓峰,王开颜.尿毒症患者瘙痒的发病机制及治疗研究进展[J].中国血液净化,2003,21(2):669-672.[10] 李荣山,刘新艳.肾脏病并发症[M].北京:军事医学科学出版社,2009:203.[ZK)](2012-07-13