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  2013, Vol. 24 Issue (12): 1053-1055     DOI:
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Changes of 5-hydroxytryptamine, heart rate variability, electrocardiographic characteristics and their mutual correlations in major depressive disorder patients of young soldiers in Armed Police Forces
HE Yan1,LV Jungang1,YANG Chunmei2,LIU Li1,WANG Songtao3,SUN Yanling4,XI Xiaoping5,CHEN Jiyang6
1.The Third Department of Internal Medicine, 3.Medical Department, 4. Phychology Department, 5. Electrocardiographic Room, 6. Clinic Laboratory, Beijing Municipal Corps Hospital, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Beijing 10027, China;2.Jilin Provincial Corps Hospital, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Changchun, China

Copyright 2012  © Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.
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