Effecacy analysis of distal humeral intercondylar fractures treated with Y-type locking plate |
WANG Wei,ZUO Jinbu,LIANG Hongwei,and WANG Jianfeng |
WANG Wei, ZUO Jinbu, LIANG Hongwei, and WANG Jianfeng. Department of Orthopedic, Beijing Municipal Corps Hospital, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Beijing 100027, China |
Abstract Objective To study the effecacy of the humeral intercondylar fractures treated by surgical treatment. Methods From June 2009 to February 2012, 26 cases of humeral intercondylar fractures were Y-type locking plate, According AO/ASIF CLASSIFICATION typeA:1 typeB:8 typeC:17. Results Twenty-six cases were followed up for 9-18 months and the average time was 13 months.According to the Cassebaum scoring system, the effects were evaluated as excellent in 16, good in 8, fair in 1, and poor in 1, and the excellent-good rate was 92%. Conclusions Y-type locking plate provides an anatomic reduction and stable fixation and fewer complications so that the functional exercises can be started as early as possible.
Received: 15 July 2013
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