Effect of emergency foresight nursing on patients with spinal cord injury accompanied by multiple injuries |
SHENG Haifeng1, SHI Yulan2, YANG Haitao1 |
1. Fourth Medical Aero, 2. Nursing Department, Shanghai Municipal Corps Hospital, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Shanghai 201103, China |
Abstract Objective To study the effect of emergency foresight nursing care and reasonable nursing measures on patients with spinal cord injury combined with multiple injuries. Methods Eighty-six patients with spinal cord injury and multiple trauma were enrolled in emergency department of this hospital from October 2010 to October 2013. According to the toss of a coin they were randomly divided into the observation group (n=44) and the control group (n=42). The observation group received foreseeable nursing whereas the control group shared routine nursing care. The ambulance arrival time (the time from onset of disease to the ambulance arrival), the effective rescue time (the time from the ambulance rrival to patients’ hospitalization), the successful rate of first aid (as a criterion, after the rescue, the vital signs of the patients were relieved and transfer to hospitalization or surgical treatment), and incidence and patients’ negative emotions (fear, anxiety, irritability) were recorded, and the Results were statistically analyzed. Results There was no significant difference in ambulance arrival time. In observation group, the average effective rescue time was (27.7±4.4) min, the success rate of first aid was 95.5%, incidence of negative emotions was 13.6%. In the control group, the average effective rescue time was (34.6±4.1)min, the success rate of first aid was 80.9%, and negative emotions incidence was 28.6%. The difference was significant (P<0.05) between the two groups. Conclusions For multiple injuries with spinal cord injury, the basic principle is to save the lives of patients. Owing to difficulties in early diagnosis and easily missed diagnosis of spinal cord injury in multiple trauma patients with spinal cord injury, neck mobility should be strictly limited and further spinal damage should be prevented, which is particularly important to the treatment.
Received: 25 June 2014
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