Effect of X-ray linear accelerator on the signaling proteins of canonical Wnt pathway in human lung fibroblasts
ZHU Yan1,ZHANG Chunyang2, FENG Huasong2,CHEN Xuxin2, WANG Wei3
1.Navy Clinical Academy,Anhui Medical Uiniversity,Hefei 230032,China; 2.Respiratory Diseases Department,3.Radiation Oncology, Navy General Hospital,Beijing 100048,China
AbstractObjective To investigate the effect of irradiation with X-ray linear accelerator on the key signaling proteins of canonical Wnt pathway in human lung fibroblasts (HLFs). Methods HLFs were divided into irradiated group and normal group. R group was irradiated by linear accelerators X-ray(5 Gy). After 24 hours, the expression of the protein levels of β-catenin in nucleus was examined by Western blot, the mRNA level of the HLFs was examined by real time PCR,and the levels of WISP-1 protein in conditioned medium (CM) was examined by ELISA. Results Compared with the normal control group, the protein and gene expression level of beta-catenin increased in irradiated group HLFs,the same to the protein expression levels of WISP-1,which were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Irradiation with X-ray linear accelerator can induce the activation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway in HLFs and promote the formation of pulmonary fibrosis,which probably provide the new target of the treatment of radiation-induced lung injury.
ZHU Yan,ZHANG Chunyang,FENG Huasong等. Effect of X-ray linear accelerator on the signaling proteins of canonical Wnt pathway in human lung fibroblasts[J]. Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc., 2015, 26(8): 787-790.
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