Effects of systematic holistic nursing care on patients undergoing extracorporeal shock wave therapy for pain in limbs |
CHEN Ying WANG Xiaojun |
Department 2 of Orthopedics, Fuzhou General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command of PLA, Fuzhou 350025, China |
Abstract Objective To assess the curative effect of systematic holistic nursing care on orthopaedic patients under extracorporeal shock wave therapy for pain in the limbs. Methods 328 patients in the Department of Orthopedics of this hospital treated with extracorporeal shock wave therapy for pain in the limbs were receuited from January 2012 to January 2014. All patients were divided into two groups randomly according to random number table. One was the study group (n=164) treated with systematic holistic nursing care. The other was the control group (n=164) treated with routine nursing care. Then the results of the curative effect, the scores of pain index and the satisfaction degree of nursing care were compared with between the two groups. Results The curative effective rate in the study group(95.12%)was higher than that in the control group(78.05%) (P<0.05). The pain score in the study group was lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). The score of satisfaction degree of nursing care in the study group (98.17%) was significantly different from the score in the control group (80.49%) (P<0.05). Conclusions The curative effect of systematic holistic nursing care for orthopaedic patients under extracorporeal shock wave therapy for pain in the limbs is pronouncded. The study is significant for clinical application and research.
Received: 10 August 2015
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