Applicability of ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment intraoperative acute encephaloceles with severe craniocerebral injury |
SUN Yongfeng1, XIAN Dengqin2, LI Yuhuan1, LIU Huizhao3, SHI Lei1 |
1. Department of Military Medicine and Special Disciplines, 3. Department of Medical Imaging, Beijing Municipal Corps Hospital, Chinese People's Armed Police Force,Beijing 100027,China; 2. Sichuan Provincial Corps Hospital,Chinese People's Armed Police Force,Leshan 614000,China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the applicability of ultrasound in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of acute encephaloceles with severe craniocerebral injury. Methods The clinical data on 32 patients who had developed acute encephaloceles during surgery for severe craniocerebral injury in Beijing Municipal Corps Hospital and Sichuan Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Force between December 2013 and December 2018 was retrospectively analyzed. Ultrasonography was used during the operations to diagnose the cause of encephaloceles and to guide the related surgeries. Furthermore, the etiological category and site characteristics (including cases) of encephaloceles diagnosed by intraoperative ultrasonography were observed, while the Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS) was recorded 6 months after surgery. Results According to the characteristics of skull fractures shown by preoperative CT in 8 cases, it was speculated that the cause of intraoperative encephaloceles might have been delayed intracranial hematoma on the contralateral side. Intraoperative ultrasonography confirmed that the contralateral skull fracture was delayed epidural hematoma and subdural hematoma. The etiology of encephaloceles was difficult to determine in other 24 cases, but could be revealed by ultrasound examination which showed 9 cases of epidural hematoma or subdural hematoma on the contralateral side of the surgery, 7 cases of intracerebral hematoma on the same side of the surgery, 2 cases of extramembranous hematoma, 2 cases of subdural hematoma and 4 cases of severe ipsilateral contusion and extensive brain swelling. Thirty-two cases had their intracranial hematoma or contused brain tissue surgically removed under ultrasound guidance, which effectively relieved the brain bulge. Six months after operations, the 32 patients were classified according to the Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS). Eight cases were classified as good recovery (25.00%), 9 cases moderate disability (28.12%), 7 cases severe disability (21.88%), 4 cases persistent vegetative state (12.50%) and 4 cases died (12.50%). Conclusions Intraoperative ultrasound can accurately diagnose the cause of acute encephaloceles during severe head injury,facilitate surgical treatment of encephaloceles, shorten the duration of surgery and raise the success rate of treatment.
Received: 20 March 2021
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