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Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.
2011 Vol. 22 No.01
Published: 15 January 2011

Exploration of establishing a subject of psychological aid
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 657 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 317KB] ( 584 )
A comparative study of posttraumatic stress disorder in armed police engaged in earthquake relief
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 5-7,11 [Abstract] ( 840 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 298KB] ( 603 )
A survey of incidence of depression among elderly hospitalized patients of mild cognitive impairment accompanied by type 2 diabetes mellitus and its influential factors in Urumqi Area
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 8-11 [Abstract] ( 928 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 277KB] ( 618 )
Variations of interrelated parameters of blood platelets during the peri-operative period of liver transplantation
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 12-13,1 [Abstract] ( 880 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 224KB] ( 567 )
A study on resistance of Candida albicans biofilm to disinfectants
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 14-16 [Abstract] ( 734 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 211KB] ( 771 )
A study of the percutaneous intra-arterial femoral port-catheter system for treatment of the diabetic foot
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 17-18,2 [Abstract] ( 885 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 229KB] ( 600 )
Surgical tactics on portal vein thrombosis and their contributions to recipients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 19-22 [Abstract] ( 974 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 303KB] ( 683 )
Coronary artery lesion and cardiovascular risk factors in premenopausal and postmenopausal female patients with acute myocardial infarction
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 23-26 [Abstract] ( 927 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 270KB] ( 563 )
The effect of TTS-12 on apoptosis of Candida albicans
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 27-29,3 [Abstract] ( 824 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 293KB] ( 662 )
The effect of venous blood leukocyte filtration on leukocyte immune function in canines
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 30-33 [Abstract] ( 1073 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 334KB] ( 565 )
The effect of intracerebral transplanted conditional immortalized neural stem cells modified to express tyrosine hydroxylase gene on rotational behavior and dopamine metabolism in rodents with Parkin's disease
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 34-37,4 [Abstract] ( 917 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 363KB] ( 600 )
Expression of platelet activating factor receptor in cortex and hippocampus neurons in vitro after injury
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 38-42 [Abstract] ( 1005 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 465KB] ( 620 )
Postoperative nursing of fractional laser and intensive pulsed light with hyaluronic acid dressing
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 43-44 [Abstract] ( 804 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 148KB] ( 861 )
Effects of Diphereline on expressions of ER、PR、bcl-2 and bax in endometrium and hysteromyoma
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 45-47 [Abstract] ( 641 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 212KB] ( 569 )
Effect of fluoride on thyroid function in primary thyrocytes
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 48-50 [Abstract] ( 706 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 226KB] ( 586 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 50-50 [Abstract] ( 554 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 74KB] ( 540 )
Inferior vena cava filter insertion and arterial catheterized thromblysis in treatment of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 51-52 [Abstract] ( 744 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 160KB] ( 632 )
Coccygeal pain syndrome: a report of 120 cases
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 52-53 [Abstract] ( 610 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 181KB] ( 783 )
Anaphylactic shock caused by intravenous administration of adenosine triphosphate:report of a case
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 54-54 [Abstract] ( 867 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 79KB] ( 548 )
Rupture of obturator artery caused by gluteal stab wound: a report of one case
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 55-56 [Abstract] ( 685 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 164KB] ( 556 )
Dynamic monitoring of disinfection effectiveness in medical observation wards within a unit of Armed Police in Beijing
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 56-57 [Abstract] ( 671 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 145KB] ( 437 )
Value of ultrasonography in diagnosis of hepatic space occupying lesions
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 58-59 [Abstract] ( 618 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 160KB] ( 853 )
Postoperative management of stage I shunt in treatment of severe cyanosed congenital heart disease
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 59-60 [Abstract] ( 613 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 159KB] ( 527 )
Drug wet dressing in treatment of phlebitis due to β-aescin sodium: observation of effects
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 60-61 [Abstract] ( 539 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 172KB] ( 578 )
Monitoring and treatment of patients in post anesthetic resuscitation rooms
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 62-63 [Abstract] ( 696 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 158KB] ( 587 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 63-64 [Abstract] ( 604 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 173KB] ( 444 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 65-66 [Abstract] ( 706 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 154KB] ( 574 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 66-67 [Abstract] ( 636 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 144KB] ( 454 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 67-68 [Abstract] ( 697 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 134KB] ( 627 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 68-92 [Abstract] ( 397 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 429KB] ( 245 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 69-71 [Abstract] ( 504 ) [HTML 8KB] [PDF 241KB] ( 422 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 71-74 [Abstract] ( 539 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 342KB] ( 541 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 74-76 [Abstract] ( 1289 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 250KB] ( 1383 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 77-79 [Abstract] ( 585 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 252KB] ( 531 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 79-80 [Abstract] ( 614 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 149KB] ( 443 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 80-81 [Abstract] ( 599 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 150KB] ( 474 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 81-82 [Abstract] ( 710 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 160KB] ( 540 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 83-84 [Abstract] ( 607 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 158KB] ( 527 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 84-85 [Abstract] ( 645 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 140KB] ( 442 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 85-87 [Abstract] ( 688 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 196KB] ( 583 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 87-88 [Abstract] ( 800 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 163KB] ( 486 )
2011 Vol. 22 (01): 89-89 [Abstract] ( 659 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 70KB] ( 532 )
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