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Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.
2010 Vol. 21 No.01
Published: 10 January 2010

Developing individualized humanitarian rescue and resuscitation method,and elevating successful resuscitation rate of postfraumatic sudden cardiac arrest
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 658 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 335KB] ( 597 )
Successful fetal protection in a patient with compound uterine and ectopic pregnancy combined with hysteromyoma
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 4-4 [Abstract] ( 659 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 73KB] ( 501 )
Expression of TLR and SOCS in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 5-8 [Abstract] ( 695 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 264KB] ( 643 )
A model of hydraulic impact percussion injury in primary cultured rat astrocytes in vitro
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 9-11,1 [Abstract] ( 632 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 304KB] ( 553 )
Ulinastatin combined with somatostatin for treatment of patients with severe acute pancreatitis
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 12-15 [Abstract] ( 779 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 263KB] ( 460 )
Relationship between carotid atherosclerosis and ischemic cerebrovascular disease
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 16-18 [Abstract] ( 727 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 234KB] ( 658 )
Effects of peripheral blood stem cells mobilization with granulocyte-colony stimulating factors and their transcoronary transplatation in patients with acute myocardial infarction
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 19-22 [Abstract] ( 840 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 295KB] ( 563 )
Treatment of comminuted distal radius fractures by longitudinal reduction and minimally invasive surgical plate fixation
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 23-25,2 [Abstract] ( 664 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 357KB] ( 504 )
Change of serum protein electrophoresis and hepatic injury and levels of humoral immunity in hepatic cirrhosis patients
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 26-29 [Abstract] ( 1597 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 258KB] ( 519 )
Preparation and dissolution rate of berberine hydrochloride solid dispersion
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 30-33 [Abstract] ( 660 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 257KB] ( 651 )
Interventional treatment of intracristal ventricular septal deflect
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 34-36 [Abstract] ( 727 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 258KB] ( 602 )
Effectiveness of ultrasound-guided peripheral neurolytic block in patients with myospasm
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 37-39 [Abstract] ( 869 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 213KB] ( 727 )
Correlativity of prognosis and endometrial ablation in patient with adenomyosis
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 40-42 [Abstract] ( 710 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 214KB] ( 580 )
Protection effect of arginine/glutamine on intestinal barrier in rats receiving 5-FU chemotherapy
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 43-46 [Abstract] ( 586 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 355KB] ( 592 )
Effects of vaporized perfluorocarbon on MMP-9 protein expression in extra-pulmonary organs in rabbits with acute lung injury
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 47-50,5 [Abstract] ( 870 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 462KB] ( 742 )
A study of Kimura's disease and perforin mutation
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 51-54 [Abstract] ( 765 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 337KB] ( 681 )
Clinical and endoscopic study of Dieulafoy's disease
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 55-57 [Abstract] ( 669 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 273KB] ( 528 )
Expression of Gi2 protein and Gq protein in pancreas of SAP rats
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 58-62 [Abstract] ( 648 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 390KB] ( 546 )
Linezolid in treatment of an old patient with renal dysfunction and pulmonary
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 62-62 [Abstract] ( 679 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 67KB] ( 501 )
Combined docetaxel, xaliplatin, and xeloda in treatment of advanced carcinoma of stomach report of case with complete remission and literature review
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 63-64 [Abstract] ( 837 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 166KB] ( 582 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 64-65 [Abstract] ( 633 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 165KB] ( 400 )
Thyroid mucosa-related lymphoma : report of a case
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 66-66 [Abstract] ( 732 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 116KB] ( 496 )
Left ventrimlar apical ballooning: report of two cases
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 67-69 [Abstract] ( 794 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 334KB] ( 479 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 69-70 [Abstract] ( 542 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 148KB] ( 510 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 70-71 [Abstract] ( 555 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 172KB] ( 520 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 72-73 [Abstract] ( 391 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 197KB] ( 401 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 73-74 [Abstract] ( 492 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 155KB] ( 436 )
CT guided percutaneous puncture and absolate alcohol injection in treatment of 90 patients with carcinoma of liver
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 75-76 [Abstract] ( 720 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 152KB] ( 491 )
Local injection of compound nitroglycerin in treatment of 60 patients with anal fissure
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 76-77 [Abstract] ( 612 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 147KB] ( 672 )
Misdiagnosis of carotid aneurysm in cavernous sinus: report of two case
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 77-78 [Abstract] ( 657 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 203KB] ( 594 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 79-81 [Abstract] ( 540 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 247KB] ( 404 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 81-84 [Abstract] ( 443 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 332KB] ( 526 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 85-86 [Abstract] ( 802 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 153KB] ( 691 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 86-88 [Abstract] ( 381 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 274KB] ( 366 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 88-89 [Abstract] ( 526 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 162KB] ( 412 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 90-90 [Abstract] ( 337 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 102KB] ( 261 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 91-91 [Abstract] ( 359 ) [HTML 2KB] [PDF 74KB] ( 405 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 91-91 [Abstract] ( 312 ) [HTML 2KB] [PDF 74KB] ( 424 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 92-92 [Abstract] ( 264 ) [HTML 2KB] [PDF 86KB] ( 400 )
2010 Vol. 21 (01): 92-92 [Abstract] ( 256 ) [HTML 2KB] [PDF 86KB] ( 433 )
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