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Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.
2009 Vol. 20 No.05
Published: 10 May 2009

2009 Vol. 20 (05): 0-前插2 [Abstract] ( 386 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 359KB] ( 417 )
Measures for prevention and treatment of vascularized corneal transplaptation rejection
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 389-392 [Abstract] ( 494 ) [HTML 8KB] [PDF 307KB] ( 464 )
Clinical study on hypocalcemia in patients with liver cirrhosis
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 393-395 [Abstract] ( 799 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 219KB] ( 593 )
Evaluation on monitoring value of hematologic indexes for therapeutic effect of plasma exchange in patients with severe hepatitis
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 395-398 [Abstract] ( 651 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 287KB] ( 548 )
Preparation of omeprazole enteric coated pellets by centrifugal granulation
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 398-400 [Abstract] ( 685 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 220KB] ( 642 )
Radiofrequency catheter ablation of multiple ventricular tachycardias
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 401-404 [Abstract] ( 582 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 324KB] ( 457 )
Applyication of digitized visible models to operations of otorhinolaryngological head and neck surgery
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 404-406, [Abstract] ( 589 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 463KB] ( 579 )
Preventive treatment of diseases:a strategy of traclitional Chinese medicine
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 407-410 [Abstract] ( 806 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 346KB] ( 711 )
Impact of social factors on incidence of postpartum depression
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 411-413 [Abstract] ( 719 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 192KB] ( 601 )
Effect of rehabilitation training on prognosis in patients with tramatic brain injury
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 414-416 [Abstract] ( 799 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 227KB] ( 512 )
Echocardiography evaluates in realtime and quantitatively myocardial ischemia and infarction canine model
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 417-420 [Abstract] ( 795 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 319KB] ( 505 )
Preparation of Urtica fissa E.Pritz granules based on orthogonal design
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 421-422 [Abstract] ( 625 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 138KB] ( 437 )
Impact of social support on psychological status in patients with ESRD
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 423-425 [Abstract] ( 644 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 207KB] ( 437 )
Four-handed dentistry nursing in root canal prepararion with rotary NiTi instruments
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 425-428 [Abstract] ( 553 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 307KB] ( 459 )
Benign breast lesions misdiagnosed in magnetic resonance imaging
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 428-432, [Abstract] ( 811 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 639KB] ( 536 )
Value of PET/CT in diagnosis of gastric cancer
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 432-435 [Abstract] ( 933 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 323KB] ( 678 )
A comparison of total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil by TCI and inhalation-intravenous balanced anesthesia in patients undergoing short suspensive laryngoscope surgery
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 435-438 [Abstract] ( 664 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 290KB] ( 420 )
Medical equipment failure induced by poor quality of power
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 438-440 [Abstract] ( 548 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 239KB] ( 465 )
Expressions of p16, c-myc,and cox-2 in gastric carcinoma and their relationship with prognosis of patients
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 441-444, [Abstract] ( 766 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 482KB] ( 687 )
Cost-effectiveness analysis of domestic vs imported repaglinid tablets in treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 444-446 [Abstract] ( 844 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 200KB] ( 707 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 446-446 [Abstract] ( 530 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 70KB] ( 779 )
Etiological sanalysis of rotation function disturbance in fracture of forearm
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 447-448 [Abstract] ( 653 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 164KB] ( 444 )
Residual bilirubinemia after treatment of liver disease with ursodeoxycholic acid
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 448-449 [Abstract] ( 525 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 142KB] ( 467 )
Pulmonary embolism:report of 23 cases
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 449-450 [Abstract] ( 553 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 160KB] ( 701 )
Phenol cautery combined with partial excision of nail natrix in treatment of 57 armed police with ingrown nail
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 451-452 [Abstract] ( 472 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 164KB] ( 493 )
Combined amlodipine and imidapril in treatment of mild and moderate hypertension
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 452-453 [Abstract] ( 718 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 156KB] ( 428 )
Adult duodenal diagphram
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 454-455 [Abstract] ( 584 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 150KB] ( 562 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 455-456 [Abstract] ( 548 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 143KB] ( 536 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 456-458 [Abstract] ( 574 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 235KB] ( 545 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 458-459 [Abstract] ( 848 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 141KB] ( 532 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 459-461 [Abstract] ( 505 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 229KB] ( 454 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 461-463 [Abstract] ( 456 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 257KB] ( 417 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 463-464 [Abstract] ( 813 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 168KB] ( 577 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 465-466 [Abstract] ( 539 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 179KB] ( 531 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 467-470 [Abstract] ( 556 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 364KB] ( 659 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 470-472 [Abstract] ( 542 ) [HTML 8KB] [PDF 254KB] ( 443 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 473-474 [Abstract] ( 449 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 162KB] ( 502 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 475-476 [Abstract] ( 496 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 149KB] ( 447 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 476-477 [Abstract] ( 620 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 176KB] ( 447 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 478-478 [Abstract] ( 606 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 84KB] ( 512 )
2009 Vol. 20 (05): 479-480 [Abstract] ( 374 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 180KB] ( 300 )
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