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Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.
2008 Vol. 19 No.06
Published: 10 June 2008

2008 Vol. 19 (06): 0-封2 [Abstract] ( 309 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 411KB] ( 333 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 0-0 [Abstract] ( 377 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 1043KB] ( 292 )
  WANG Lixiang
Five principles of early prophylaxis and treatment of ARDS in casualties injuried by earthquake
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 485-488 [Abstract] ( 642 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 352KB] ( 662 )
  WANG Yihe;BO Hai;LIU Jing;LIU Ziquan;TONG Changqing
Development and study of rat model of high altitude pulmonary edema
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 489-491, [Abstract] ( 749 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 6970KB] ( 589 )
  LIU Liping;LIANG Hui;HAN Bin;ZHANG Wei;WANG Haiyan
Pathogens and drug resistance in intensive care unit patients
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 492-493 [Abstract] ( 682 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 165KB] ( 519 )
  MA Chunmei;LIU Huiliang;LUO Jianping;HAN Wei;ZHANG Yuping
Associations of dynamic blood pressure load with left ventricular hypertrophy and carotid artery atherosclerosis in hypertensive patients
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 494-496 [Abstract] ( 765 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 231KB] ( 572 )
  LI Jinsheng;JIANG Guoqiang;XIE Xianghong
Diagnostic value of cardiac troponin I in surveillance of viral myocarditis
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 497-499 [Abstract] ( 813 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 236KB] ( 802 )
  ZHANG Ye;ZHAN Xianghui;MIAO Huina;DAI Jin;PENG Shan;MA Jing
Configuration of red cells in subjects with hypercholesterolemia on scanning electron microscopy
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 499-502 [Abstract] ( 742 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 389KB] ( 724 )
  ZHANG Ruihong;WU Lei;DING Yan;ZHANG Yamei
Effects of mifepristone on expressions of ER,PR,bcl-2 and bax in endometrium and hysteromyoma
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 502-505 [Abstract] ( 712 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 311KB] ( 461 )
  BAI Changqing;SONG Yingfang;WANG Detang;GUO Huiling
Inhibitory effect of Astragalus and Codonopsis extract on endothelial cell migration induced by lung cancer cell
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 505-508, [Abstract] ( 880 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 7022KB] ( 525 )
  SHEN Qiang;WANG Xiaoqin;ZHANG Keliang;ZHU Xiaoguang;NIU Yanhui
Effect of dorsal root ganglion end-to-side neurorraphy on delaying atrophy of denervated skeletal muscle
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 508-511, [Abstract] ( 711 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 7052KB] ( 524 )
  XIE Jun;LIU Jihong;XU Youming;YU Jianhua
Relaxation effects of heme oxygenase-carbon monoxide system on corpus cavernosum smooth muscles of rats in vitro
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 512-514 [Abstract] ( 667 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 236KB] ( 489 )
  CUI Yingjun;SONG Donglin
Effects of bedside hemo-ultrafiltration on patients with acute left ventricular failure complicated by renal insufficiency
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 514-517 [Abstract] ( 937 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 316KB] ( 740 )
  DONG Le;WANG Yanmei;LI Hui;MA Xueping
Determination of IL-6,ceruloplasmin and AFP in diagnosis of primary hepatic cancer
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 517-519 [Abstract] ( 954 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 232KB] ( 708 )
  CHEN Ranfeng;CHEN Guojun;CHEN Qirong;HUANG Zhiyong;JIN Xiaodong;YANG Yong
Relationship between repair of mutated HBV gene and hepatic cell damage
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 519-521 [Abstract] ( 829 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 231KB] ( 718 )
  YANG Suichong;NIE Yong;WANG Gang;HUANG Jianfeng;ZHANG Li;LI Changgeng;WENG Mai;QIAN Linfeng;FENG Yuquan
Radiofrequency ablation in 23 patients with unresectable pancreatic carcinoma
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 521-524 [Abstract] ( 699 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 370KB] ( 482 )
  FANG Liming;WU Yonggang;XIA Zhilin;ZHENG Jiyuan;ZHANG Shuxi;HONG Lei
Efficacy of arthroscopic reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 525-527 [Abstract] ( 647 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 258KB] ( 411 )
  FENG Huiping;ZHANG Fenghua;LIU Yun;ZHANG Haiyan;GUO Weiling;XIA Yueqin
Comparison of sedative effects of chloral hydrate given via different routes on babies with retinoblastoma
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 527-528 [Abstract] ( 738 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 153KB] ( 518 )
Nineteen cases of misdiagnosed thoracoabdominal tuberculosis of lymph node
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 529-530 [Abstract] ( 645 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 178KB] ( 583 )
Microsurgical resection of pituitary tumor through mononostril-sphenoidal sinus approach
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 530-531 [Abstract] ( 591 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 179KB] ( 438 )
Glycol salicylate transdermal plaster in treatment of 90 patients with neuralgia of lumbospinal nerve posterior branch
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 531-532 [Abstract] ( 502 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 176KB] ( 427 )
  WANG Wei;LI Qin;LI Tong
Diagnosis and treatment of torsion of spermatic cordd in soldiers of Armed Police Force
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 532-534 [Abstract] ( 795 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 302KB] ( 521 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 534-535 [Abstract] ( 554 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 191KB] ( 409 )
  LIU Yan
Changes of blood pressure/heart rate during tracheal double-lumen intubation anesthesia using remifentanil and fentanil
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 535-536 [Abstract] ( 808 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 166KB] ( 387 )
  WANG Ruiwen;JIANG Quande
Seif-made root canal dressing paste for treatment of 114 patients with refractory periapical periodontitis
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 536-537 [Abstract] ( 487 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 168KB] ( 474 )
  LI Jihong;GAO Jianguo;YAN Xianshan
Analytical results of urine for recruits who have hastily reached high altitude
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 538-538 [Abstract] ( 639 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 77KB] ( 397 )
How to reduce the incidence of pericoronitis of third molar in recruits
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 539-539 [Abstract] ( 548 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 81KB] ( 436 )
Thoracoscopic resection of carcinoma of esophagus in 36 cases
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 540-540 [Abstract] ( 709 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 94KB] ( 416 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 541-542 [Abstract] ( 432 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 172KB] ( 725 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 543-544 [Abstract] ( 489 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 186KB] ( 571 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 545-547 [Abstract] ( 486 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 295KB] ( 467 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 548-550 [Abstract] ( 558 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 276KB] ( 521 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 551-552 [Abstract] ( 568 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 168KB] ( 643 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 553-554 [Abstract] ( 706 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 179KB] ( 456 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 554-555 [Abstract] ( 583 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 175KB] ( 522 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 555-556 [Abstract] ( 548 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 177KB] ( 438 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 556-557 [Abstract] ( 377 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 180KB] ( 417 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 558-559 [Abstract] ( 542 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 180KB] ( 431 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 559-561 [Abstract] ( 569 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 277KB] ( 392 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 561-562 [Abstract] ( 538 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 171KB] ( 748 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 562-563 [Abstract] ( 594 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 181KB] ( 462 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 564-564 [Abstract] ( 439 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 85KB] ( 392 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 565-566 [Abstract] ( 616 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 185KB] ( 607 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 567-568 [Abstract] ( 397 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 176KB] ( 535 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 568-569 [Abstract] ( 520 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 169KB] ( 413 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 569-570 [Abstract] ( 586 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 187KB] ( 414 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 571-572 [Abstract] ( 538 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 163KB] ( 446 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 572-573 [Abstract] ( 639 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 163KB] ( 504 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 573-574 [Abstract] ( 599 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 219KB] ( 415 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 574-574 [Abstract] ( 369 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 132KB] ( 386 )
2008 Vol. 19 (06): 575-576 [Abstract] ( 283 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 174KB] ( 308 )
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