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陈伟 1,罗卫 2,杨丽红 3
100141,武警北京总队第三医院:1.皮肤科,3.理疗科; 2. 100036 北京,空军 总医院皮肤科
Efficacy of Zilan Decoction combined with acitretin and BCG-polysaccharide nucleic acid in treatment of verruca plana
CHEN Wei 1,LUO Wei 2, and YANG Lihong 3.
1. Department of Dermatology, 3. Department of Physiotherapy, Third Hospital of Beijing Municipal Corps, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Beijing 100141,China;2. Department of Dermatology, General Hospital of Air Force, PLA, Beijing 100036, China

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