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  2013, Vol. 24 Issue (3): 229-231    DOI:
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王毅铮1,2,高雅婷3,胡 杰2,高宏生1,2,陈 虹2
300162天津, 武警后勤学院:1. 部队卫生教研室, 2. 天津市职业与环境危害防制重点实验室; 3. 330038, 武警江西总队南昌支队
Effect of resveratrol on proliferation of different estrogen receptor subtypes of MCF-7 cells
WANG Yizheng1,2,GAO Yating3,HU Jie2,GAO Hongsheng1,2,and CHEN Hong2.
1. Military Hygiene Department, 2. Tianjin Key Laboratory for Prevention and Control of Occupational and Environmental Hazard, Logistics University of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Tianjin, 300162; 3. Nanchang Detachment of Jiangxi Provincial Corps, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Nanchang 330038, China

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