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  2014, Vol. 25 Issue (3): 261-263    DOI:
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张 娴1,郭 明2,刘 莉3,朱 旭1
650111昆明, 武警云南总队医院:1.军人病区, 2.内一科, 3.医务处
Antihypertensive efficacy of candesartan alone or combined with Rhodiola rosea and effect on insulin resistance
ZHANG Xian1,GUO Ming2,LIU Li3,and ZHU Xu1
ZHANG Xian1, GUO Ming2, LIU Li3, and ZHU Xu1. 1.Department of Military Ward, 2. Department of No.1 Internal Medicine, 3. Medical Service. Yunnan Provincial Corps Hospital, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Kunming 650111, China

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