Abstract Objective To analyze the outpatients' level of satisfaction with the community health service (CHS) in terms of accessibility, comfort, economy and service quality in Chengdu, Hangzhou and Wuhan. Methods By applying the exit-interfering method, designed questionnaires were filled in by outpatients who had been to the CHS to acquire needed information. The survey was mainly related to residents' knowledge and evaluation of the CHS, factors that influenced residents’ choice of CHS, and their visits to and satisfaction with the PHS. Results (1) CHS mainly offered primary medical service for the grass-roots laborers. (2) Medical insurance for urban workers, medical insurance for urban residents and the new type of rural cooperative medical service were the three most important reimbursement methods. (3) By comparing the outpatients' level of satisfaction with CHS in ten aspects, the study indicated that the difference between the three cities was statistically significant (P<0.05) except for such aspects as accessibility, respect and the amount of explanation. Conclusions Although outpatients in the three cities are satisfied with the CHS's accessibility and comfort, there is difference in their evaluation of the CHS’s economical efficiency and service quality. The government should offer much more supportive measures to make the CHS better-known to the residents, and try to enhance the residents’ degree of satisfaction with the community health service.
Received: 15 October 2011
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