Value of N-terminal-pro-B-type-natriuretic-peptide for left ventricular dysfunction in diabetic dialysis patients |
LIU Jianchun,YU Hua,and LV Hao |
The Second Hospital of Beijing Municipal Corps, Chinese People’s Armed Polices Forces, Beijing 100037, China |
Abstract Objective To detect plasma N-terminal-pro-B-type-natriuretic-peptide changes in diabetic dialysis patients and assess the diagnostic value of NT-proBNP for left ventricular dysfunction.Methods Plasma BNP concentration was measured in 46 dialysis patients.Left ventricular end diastolic diameter(LVDd) and left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF)were determined. The relationship between the levels of plasma NT-proBNP and cardiac function was compared.Results (1)The level of plasma NT-proBNP in diabetic dialysis patients was higher than the levels of plasma NT-proBNP in hemodialysis patients without diabetes. (2) More diabetic dialysis patients are complicated by left ventricular dysfunction than patients without diabetes. The levels of plasma NT-proBNP in diabetic dialysis patients with complicated left ventricular dysfunction were significant higher than patients with normal cardiac function. Conclusions The increase in NT-proBNP concentration can reflect the combination of chronic left ventricular dysfunction in diabetic dialysis patients in a certain extent.
Received: 25 December 2012
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