Clinical analysis of 12 patients with pregnancy accompanied by cerebroma |
XING Fengling1 and GAO Wanli2. |
1. Compound at the Asian Games Village, US-China Yihe Women and Children’s Hospital, Beijing100012, China; 2.. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tiantan Hospital, Capital University of Medical Science, Beijing 100050, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of gravidas with cerebroma, diagnosis, preventive and therapeutic methods, and the effects on maternal and infant health of cerebroma during this special period. Methods The clinical materials of several gravidas with cerebroma in this hospital from January 1990 to February 2013 were analyized retrospectively. Results There were 1 case of acoustic neurinoma, 7 cases of gliomas and 4 cases of meningoma. One patient gave up operation, while the other 11 decided to underwent operation of the knife with 6 cases of dying during the puerperium. 5 cases gave birth to full term infants and 2 cases premature infants with 6 cases of them staying alive and one of the premature infants dying. Conclusions The high estrogen level during pregnancy can accelerate the growth of cerebroma and encephalic angioma. Patients with glioma are not suitable to be pregnant and artificial abortion can be chosen in early pregnancy. Induced labour and small cesarean section can be used during midterm. Caesarean section is the suitable delivery mode in the late trimester of pregnancy. The cerebroma during pregnancy grows quickly, so regular antenatal examination, early diagnosis and just-in-time cure are the key to ameliorate the prognosis of gravidas with cerebroma.
Received: 21 March 2013
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