Observed Acrysof Toric intraocular lens implantation refractive status and rotational stability |
MA Huawen1, LUO Ling2, GAO Wei2, HU Lianna2 |
1. the Clinical College of Anhui Medical University, The 306th Hospital of PLA , Beijing 100101, China; 2. Department of Ophthalmology , The 306th Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100101, China |
Abstract Objective To evaluate the improvement of refractive status and the stability of the lens in the capsular pouch after carrying out Acrysof Toric intraocular lens implantation operation. Methods Twenty-eight eyes of 20 cataract patients from April 2012 to February 2014 were enrolled from the department of ophthalmology in our hospital. They are all regularity corneal astigmatism which was more than 1.00 diopter (D). All patients underwent similar phacoemulsification combined with Toric IOLs implantation and were followed up at 3 to 8 months. The uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), best- corrected visual acuity (BCVA), preoperative reserved spherical power and postoperative residual spherical power, preoperative corneal astigmatism, anticipated residual astigmatism, postoperative residual astigmatism and intraocular lens (IOL) axis deflection were detected and measured. Results Three to eight months following surgery, a total of twenty eyes (71%) showed 0. 6 or better in UCVA. 7 eyes (21%) was 0. 8 or better in UCVA and twenty-five eyes (89%) achieved 0. 8 or better in BCVA. The spherical error of postoperative residual and IOL Master reserved ranges from -0.90 D to+0.85 D, and the deviation of spherical equivalent refraction is 0.46±0.23 D. The relations between the postoperative Spherical error and preoperative axial length is Y=11.908 x-231.65, R2=0.817, P<0.05.The mean preoperative corneal astigmatism was (1.84±0.55) D, and there was statistical significance (P<0. 05) compared with postoperative residual astigmatism (0.18±0.11) D after the surgery of three to eight months. Compared with predetermined axis, intraocular lens axis has shift from zero to twelve degrees, and the deflection degrees of the mean axis is 3.96±3.46. Conclusions After the surgery of the Acrysof Toric intraocular lens implantation, the residual spherical powers and IOL Master reserved spherical powers has some error. And the error of the postoperative spherical equivalent was positively correlated with the preoperative axial length, which increases with the increasing axial length. As Acrysof Toric intraocular lens correction regularity corneal astigmatism error is small and has showed good rotational stability, it contributes to the correction of corneal astigmatism.
Received: 25 August 2014
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