Construction of an evaluation index system for emergency medicine service in an Armed Police Forces hospital
XU Yuxian1, FAN Haojun2, CHE Wei1, MU Xiao1, LIU Yurui1, ZHENG Chunxiu1
1. Medical Department, General Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Beijing 100039, China; 2.The Institute for Rescue Medicine of Affiliated Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Tianjin 300162, China
AbstractObjective To construct an evaluation index system for emergency medical service in an Armed Police Forces hospital. Methods By consulting the related literature at home and abroad, analyzing the main links and key elements affecting medical service, we used Methods of interviewing, questionnaire survey, and delphi , and analytic hierarchy process. Furthermore, two rounds of expert consultation were taken. Results Structural framework of an evaluation index system for emergency medical service in an Armed Police Forces hospital was constructed. This framework contains 4 primary indexes, including system plan, drug supply, information communication, supporting measure. In addition, the secondary index is formed by 14 representative and operational indexes chosen from the other numerous indexes. Conclusions Emergency medicine service evaluation has important practical value for administration department to analyze medical service, realize the security situation and strengthen its surveillance.
XU Yuxian,FAN Haojun,CHE Wei等. Construction of an evaluation index system for emergency medicine service in an Armed Police Forces hospital[J]. Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc., 2015, 26(1): 72-74.