Effects of group psychological training on mental status of Armed Police recruits |
CHANG Haisheng, ZHANG Chuanmin,HUANG Jirong,WAN Lingling, TIAN Hui |
Department of medicine, Beijing Municipal Corps Third Hospital,Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Beijing 100141, China |
Abstract Objective To provide a psychological basis for recruits’ military training and management, through researches on the effects of group psychological training on the mental status of Armed Police recruits. Methods A total of 373 recruits from a training base were randomly divided into 2 groups:training group(n=202) and normal control group(n=171). In the training group subjects were tested throughout the implementation of psychological training, while in the control group, psychological training was not implemented. All recruits were measured with the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90), General Self-Efficacy Scale, and Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire in those who just entered the army in first two weeks and one week before they joined in the companies. Data were analyzed using SPSS18.0. Results After three months recruits training, it is found, both two groups had improvement (F(1,1)=58.214,P<0.001;F(1,1)=191.126,P<0.001;χ2=0.617,P=0.557). And the treatment group had higher improvement than normal control group(F(1,368)=3.648,P=0.049;F(1,368)=4.203,P=0.041;χ2=6.165,P=0.013). Conclusions The group psychological training program is feasible and professional. The program has obvious positive effect on mental health status in recruits training. It can be applied to armed recruits because of its above-mentioned advantages.
Received: 09 June 2014
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