Investigation of mental health status of medical personnel in Armed Police Forces |
LI Jinliang, WANG Xiaoqiang, XIE Lei, WANG Zhi, ZHAO Jianhong,WU Yao, YIN Jun |
Psychiatric Department, Sichuan Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Leshan 614000,China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the mental health status of medical staffs in the Armed Police Forces, and to analyze the factors affecting the psychological health of medical staffs. Methods The symptom checklist (SCL-90), selfrating depression scale (SDS), and selfrating anxiety scale (SAS) were used to investigate 242 medical staffs. Results 21.9% of the medical staffs had different degrees of psychological problems, and SDS, somatization, interpersonal relationship had significant differences, compared with the national norm. Conclusions The mental health status of medical staffs in Armed Police Forces is relatively poor, compared with the general population, and depression, anxiety, somatization and other psychological problems are their most common symptoms.
Received: 17 April 2014
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