Needs of using emergency portable toilet for Chinese People’s Armed Police Force in field conditions |
LUAN Jin1, ZHANG Weilong1, TANG Fang1, and WANG Fan2 |
1.Department of Disease Control and Prevention, Center of Disease Control and Prevention of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Beijing 102613, China; 2.Department of Medical Affairs, General Hopital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Beijing 100039,China |
Abstract Objective To study the soldiers' needs of using emergency portable toilet in field conditions. Methods Four branches from three corps and seven detachments were chosen from each branch. Questionnaire survey and personal interview were employed to collect data of requirements and expectations for emergency portable toilet. Results 1789 soldiers were recruited for the survey and 1711 (95.64%) valid questionnaires were recovered. As a result, two branches did not have a field emergency toilet. Each of the other two branches had three detachments, which were equipped with a simple emergency portable toilet. 92.63% of the soldiers investigated had carried out field missions; of them 129 (7.54%) soldiers did 5 times or more in a year. 1411 (82.46%) soldiers had not used portable toilet. Scoring on the demand for portable toilets, 241 (14.1%) soldiers chose the maximum 10 points. And 98(5.7%) soldiers chose the minimum 1 point. The average score was (7.58±2.17)points and the most frequent score was 7 points which were chosen by 491 (28.7%) persons. Conclusions Troops performed field missions frequently, while so few places were equipped with emergency portable toilet. So the needs of using emergency portable toilet are strong.
Received: 20 March 2015
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