Comments and analysis on prescriptions by prescription automatic screening system |
HUANG Haitao1, LI Nan2, LI Jing1, DAI Hao1, ZUO Song1, KE Guoping1, HAN Ruohui1 |
1. Department of Pharmacy, Chengdu Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Chengdu 610041,China; 2. Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Chengdu Military General Hospital, Chengdu 610083,China |
Abstract Objective To comment and analyze on prescriptions by Prescription Automatic Screening System in order to enhance the level of rational drug-usage in hospitals. Methods 1800 outpatient prescriptions were screened by Prescription Automatic Screening System and commented according to the contents and basis. Results There were 2.50 drugs on average per prescription in all of the prescriptions. The rate of antimicrobial usage was 31.41%. The rate of injection rate was 23.21%. The rate of generic name usage was 76.33%. The amount of prescription was 178.39 yuan on average per outpatient. The rate of rational drug-usage was 95.53%. Irrational prescriptions were 81, including 38.27% non-standard prescriptions, 55.56% drug-usage inappropriate prescriptions and 6.17% supernormal prescriptions. There were some mainly problems in these irrational prescriptions, such as not to write a clinical diagnosis or nonstandard diagnosis, upper respiratory tract infections with cefixime, tooth extraction with amoxicillin and roxithromycin, alprostadil with 100ml normal saline, taking broken aspirin enteric-coated tablet, hypertension with felodipine, nifedipine, losartan, benazepril, prazosin and metoprolol. Conclusions Forewarning and screening of prescription automatic screening system that provided important data support for the comments and analysis on prescriptions are playing an important practical significance on improving the level of rational drug-usage in medical institutions.
Received: 03 June 2015
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