Value of apparent diffusion coefficient values of diffusion-weighted MRI in liver metastases |
WU Mei, LI Shuai, and HUA Hongyan |
Department of Radiology, Beijing Yanhua Hospital, Beijing 102500, China |
Abstract Objective To evaluate apparent diffusion coefficient values in the diagnosis of liver metastases from different primary tumors.Methods Diffusion-weighted imaging in 45 patients after 1.5T MRI examination was retrospectively analysized. The ADC values of 276 liver metastases were measured and performed with one-way ANOVA to compare the difference in different primary tumors.Results No significant difference in ADC values were found between gastrointestinal malignant tumor, liver cancer and breast cancer (P>0.05).The ADC mean values in lung cancer were lower than in other primary tumors with statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Those values in pancreatic carcinoma were significantly higher than in other primary tumors (P<0.05).Conclusions The ADC values are helpful to diagnosis of liver metastases from lung cancer and pancreatic carcinoma.
Received: 20 October 2015
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