Control study of curative effect on internet addiction disorder elimination by cognitive-behavioral therapy in groups |
ZHAO Songtao, YANG Yongxin, WEI Qiuxiang, WANG Chunmei, LU Yan, JIANG Xuan, and WU Mengxin |
Shandong Linyi Mental Health Center, Linyi 276005, China |
Abstract Objective To study the curative effect on internet addiction disorder elimination treated by cognitive-behavioral therapy in groups.Methods 130 adolescents with internet addiction disorders were divided into study group and control group equally at random. Normal psychotherapy treatment was carried out for the control group, while cognitive-behavioral therapy in group treatment was adapted for the study group in addition to psychotherapy treatment for 2 hours per time and three times weekly which lasted for 16 weeks respectively. CIAS, CSQ and SCCS were adapted for evaluating the curative effects of treatment before and after the treatment.Results Before treatment, the scores of CIAS, CSQ and SCCS from the study group and the control group had no statistically significant differences. After treatment, the total score of CIAS from both the study group (33.7±6.2) and the control group (41.5±7.8) decreased significantly(P<0.01). By comparing the scores between the two groups, the following data were calculated: The scores of CIAS from the study group were found lower than in the control group(P<0.01), as well as the scores of CSQ on remorse, illusion, autistic disorder factors(P<0.01). The disharmony score of self consistency and congruence from the form of CSQ was found lower than the scores in the control group(P<0.01)while the scores of self-flexibility in SCCS were found higher than the scores in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusions Treatment by cognitive-behavioral therapy in groups on internet addiction disorder elimination is found significantly effective.
Received: 20 December 2015
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