Effect of Kang Ai injection combined with paclitaxel, tegafur, oxaliplatin on prognosis of advanced gastric cancer |
ZHAO Lingjun1, JIANG Lizhen1, WANG Daqing1, LIU Yantong2, and ZHANG Qingquan3 |
1.Oncology, 2. Pharmacy Department, 3. Department of Pathology, Ha LiXun International Peace Hospital, Hebei Medical University, Hengshui 053000, China |
Abstract Objective To observe the effect of Kang Ai injection combined with chemotherapy on heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1), positive outcomes in patients with advanced gastric cancer. Methods Sixty patients with positive heme oxygenase and advanced gastric cancer by were randomly divided into study group and control group, 30 patients in each group. The study group received Kang Ai injection in combination with paclitaxel, tegafur, oxaliplatin. The control group took paclitaxel, tegafur, oxaliplatin. After four cycles of chemotherapy, curative effect evaluation and HO-1 was tested. Results In the study group, strong positive rate of HO-1(24.0%, 74.3%), 1 year survival rate (74.3%, 52.1%), and 2 year survival rate(20.2%, 11.0%)were higher those in the control group, KPS increased by more than 10 points(70%, 15%),the differences between the two groups had statistical significance(P<0.05). Conclusions Kang Ai injection therapy for advanced gastric cancer can inhibit the expression of gastric cancer tissues HO-1, and reduce the side effects, improve the prognosis of patients, and prolong the survival period.
Received: 13 April 2016
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