Comparative study on clinical effects of immediate implantation and implantation in the early healing tissue of extraction sockets (initial implantation)
MA Yan, WANG Lijun, LV Yuan, ZHU Xiaoying, WANG Jian, ZHU Jie, GU Xiaoming, LIU Keli
Department of Stomatology,General Hospital of the Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Beijing 100039, China
AbstractObjective To investigate the survival rates of primary implantation and immediate implantation and marginal bone loss 5 years after implantation in order to provide reference for clinical implantation timing.Methods 58 cases involving 75 implants were selected in this study. According to the time of implant placement, 27 cases of implants were classified into Group A(initial implantation), and another 48 implants into Group B(immediate implantation). Patients had x-ray taken immediately after surgery,1,3,6,12 months later and eventually once a year.The survival rates of the implants were calculated and the mesial and distal alveolar marginal bone loss was measured. The two rates calculated with life table method and the amount of mesial and distalmarginal bone loss were determined using SPSS21.0 software withChi-squared testand independent samples t-test respectively.Results The success rate of Group A was 79.25%, and survival rate was 100%, compared with 76.47% and 89.47% in Group B, in which there was 5 implants loss during 1-9 months after implantation. Statistical analysis showed that there was significant difference in the survival rate only. Moreover, the difference value of the mesial alveolar bone between immediately after implantation and 5 years after implantation was 1.16±0.32 in Group A and 1.39±0.41 in Group B. P value was 0.216. The difference value of the distal alveolar bone between immediately after implantation and 5 years after implantation was 0.96±0.39 in Groups A, compared to 1.05±0.52 in Group B. P value was 0.302. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference between thetwo groups.Conclusions Initial implantation is feasible.
MA Yan,WANG Lijun,LV Yuan等. Comparative study on clinical effects of immediate implantation and implantation in the early healing tissue of extraction sockets (initial implantation)[J]. Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc., 2017, 28(10): 1026-1030.
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