A comparative study of effect of prepackaged diet and self made low-residue diet on quality of bowel preparation
LI Xiaoliang1,TANG Hongwei2,WEN Shu1,CHI Jinfeng1,HAN Guang1,and WEI Linghao1
1.Nursing Deparment,Beijing Municipal Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Beijing 100027,China; 2.Department of Gastroenterology,Beijing Tsinghua Chang Geng Hospital,Beijing 100070,China
AbstractObjective To compare the effect of two different dietary regimens on quality of bowel preparation among patients intended for colonoscopy.Methods In this study, 150 patients who underwent colonoscopy were selected as subjects, who were randomly divided into two groups: the pre-packaged group and the self-provided group, with 75 cases in each. Single-center, single-blind, prospective and controlled studies were conducted. The patients of the pre-packaged group(group of pre-packaged diet) took pre-packaged food for three meals a day before the examination, while the patients of the self-provided group(the low-residue diet group)took the low-residue diet provided by themselves one day before the examination. The intestine-rinsing fluid used by both groups was 3L sulfate-free polyethylene glycol electrolyte powder and patients took it orally at 4:00 a.m. on the day of examination.Results The detection rate of polypus was 37.3% for the pre-packaged group and 32.0% for the self-provided group. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05).In terms of the time for the first defecation, the pre-packaged group scored 46.25±28.23, which was significantly lower than that of the self-provided group(65.34±34.54)(P<0.05). In terms of insertion time, the pre-packaged group scored (5.35±1.63),which was lower than that of the self-provided group (8.24±2.26)(P<0.05).Conclusions The prepackaged diet can shorten the time interval before the first defecation, reduce the frequency of defecation,shorten the insertion time of, and improve the quality of colonoscopy.
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