AbstractObjective To investigate the therapeutic effect of blue light irradiation and sulfadiazine silver lipid water gel dressing against PICC placement related local infections.Methods Using the random stratification method, a total of 59 patients with local infections after PICC placement were divided into two groups: the control group (29 cases) and the experimental group (30 cases). One course of treatment lasted 7 days. On the 1st, 2nd and 3rd days, patients in the control group received dressing treatment only, whereas patients in experimental group received dressing and blue light treatment. On the 5th and 7th days, patients in both groups received dressing treatment. The pain scores (NRS) were measured on the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th days. The wound healing effect was observed on the 7th day.Results Compared with the control group, the wound pain in the dressing/blue-light treatment group was significantly reduced on the 1st day, and the difference was statistically significant(Z=-2.30,P<0.05). Significant differences were also observed between the two groups in the cure and excellent rate of wound healing (χ2=7.81,P=0.04) which indicated that the dressing/blue-light combined therapy was more effective than the dressing therapy in assisting the healing of wounds.Conclusions Compared with the control group, the dressing/blue-light treatment group can quickly relieve pain and improve the curative effect of wound healing.
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