Effect of smooth muscle electric stimulation on intestinal function recovery after severe endometriosis surgery |
WANG Jingxuan1, LU Dan1, DUAN Aihong1, LIU Bing1, SUN Ruyi2, WU Jing2, FENG Yi2, ZHAO Xin2 |
1. Department of Gynecology, 2. Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Diagnosis and Treatment Center,Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Beijing 100026,China |
Abstract Objective To observe the effect of smooth muscle electric stimulation on intestinal function after severe endometriosis surgery. Methods A total of 150 postoperative patients with severe endometriosis were selected and divided into the observation group and control group, with 75 cases in each. The severity and locations of intestinal adhesion were recorded in both groups, and bioelectrical stimulation was performed 24 hours postoperatively. The observation group received smooth muscle electric stimulation, while the control group was subjected to traditional striated muscle stimulation. The time of regular bowel sounds, exhaust, defecation, tolerance to general foods and abdominal distension were compared between the two groups. Results Regular bowel sounds, the first exhaust and first tolerance to general foods without discomfort occurred earlier in the observation group than in the control group (P<0.05). The duration of abdominal distension in the observation group was shorter (P<0.05). None of the patients developed intestinal obstruction or adverse reactions. Conclusions Smooth muscle electric stimulation has a better effect than striated muscle electrical stimulation on postoperative intestinal function recovery in patients with severe pelvic endometriosis.
Received: 25 May 2021
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