Analysis of renal health status in officers and soldiers stationed at different altitudes |
ZENG Renpan, WANG Danling, QIAN Ping |
Department of Characteristic Ⅱ, Sichuan Provincial Corps Hospital, Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Leshan 614000, China |
Abstract Objective To understand the status of renal examinations in officers and soldiers stationed on plateaus and analyze its correlation with altitude. Methods Five hundred and seventy-five reports of renal function examination and renal color Doppler ultrasound examination of officers and soldiers stationed in Aba prefecture, Sichuan province, according to altitude, were divided into two groups: 255 cases in ≤2600 m group and 320 cases in >2600 m group. According to the reports any indexbeyondthe range of refererce value isiudged as abnormal renal function, the renal lesions including renal urinary salt crystals, renal stones, renal cysts, renal calcification, etc. were recorded, and any positive signs in renal color Doppler ultrasound were judged as abnormal renal color Doppler ultraso nography. Results Of the 575 cases, 198 cases (34.43%) had abnormal renal function, 176 cases (30.61%) had elevated uric acid, 39 cases (6.78%) had elevated creatinine and 7 cases (1.22%) had elevated urea; 88 cases (15.30%) had abnormal renal color Doppler ultrasonography, 56 cases (9.74%) had renal urinary salt crystals, 27 cases (4.70%) had renal calculi, 12 cases (2.09%) had renal cysts, 1 case (0.17%) had renal calcification and 1 case (0.17%) had renal hamartoma. The group study showed that the incidences of abnormal renal function, elevated uric acid, abnormal renal color Doppler ultrasound, renal urinary salt crystallization and renal cyst in the group with altitude above 2600 m were significantly higher than those in the group with altitude below 2600 m (P< 0.001). Conclusions Abnormal renal examination results are common in officers and soldiers stationed at high altitude, and mainly manifested as elevated serum uric acid and renal urinary salt crystallization, which is positively correlated with altitude. It mainly occurs in plateau area above 2600 meters, which needs to be paid special attention.
Received: 10 April 2022
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