Clinical analysis of 9 cases of neonatal GBS sepsis or meningitis |
LI Yurui and ZHANG Xuefeng |
Department of Pediatrics, the Fifth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100071, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of neonatal GBS sepsis or meningitis. Methods The clinical data and maternal status of 9 neonates with GBS septicemia admitted into the neonatal ward of our hospital from 2017 to 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Results Among the 9 children with GBS septicemia, only 1 was GBS positive screened before delivery and given penicillin prophylactic treatment, 6 were GBS negative screened during pregnancy, and 2 were not screened for GBS (1 of them was premature). There were 7 cases of early onset sepsis, 2 cases of late onset sepsis, all accompanied by CRP elevation, 5 cases of meningitis, 3 cases of pneumonia, 6 cases of fever, 3 cases of convulsion, and 1 case of death. The rest were followed up to 6-24 months, 1 case of developmental lag, and the rest were normal. Nine strains of GBS detected by blood culture were sensitive to penicillin, ampicillin, linezolid, vancomycin and furantin, and resistant to clindamycin. One strain was resistant to ceftriaxone, and one strain was sensitive to tetracycline. Conclusions There is still a possibility of missed diagnosis in prenatal GBS screening. Neonatal GBS sepsis progresses rapidly with a high rate of death and disability, requiring early identification, timely detection and targeted anti-infection treatment, most of which require combined drugs.
Received: 24 June 2022
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