Effect of pharmacists participating in outpatient treatment of children with asthmatic bronchitis |
MEI Xin1, BAI Mei1, PENG Xiaodan2, ZHOU Yuhong3 |
1. Department of Pharmacy, Jiangxi Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Nanchang 330001, China; 2. Nursing Department, Jiangxi Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Nanchang 330001, China; 3. Hospital Authority, Jiangxi Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Nanchang 330001, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the effect of pharmacists participating in outpatient treatment of children with asthmatic bronchitis. Methods Two hundred children patients with asthmatic bronchitis who were recruited from January 2020 to December 2021 from the Jiangxi Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force were randomly divided into the intervention group and control group, with 100 cases in each group. The intervention group accepted joint outpatient comprehensive intervention, including strict control of the hospitalization indications and the use of antibiotics, appropriate inhalation dosage forms, and individualized medication guidance. The control group received routine treatment. The wheezing relief time, treatment cost and the pulmonary function of the two groups of children were compared. The pulmonary function indexes included forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1/FVC. The two groups were followed up for one year. Results After treatment, the relief time of wheezing in the intervention group was significantly shorter than that in the control group [(39.90±8.76) vs (61.55±11.66)h, P<0.05], and the improvement of FEV1/FVC was better than that in the control group (94.52%±1.75% vs 85.84%±4.73%, P<0.05). The hospitalization rate, the use rate of antibiotics, the treatment cost, and the number of wheezes and hospitalizations within one year in the intervention group were significantly better than those in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusions Through the participation of pharmacists in outpatient intervention, the therapeutic effect of asthmatic bronchitis in children can be significantly improved, and the recurrence rate and the treatment cost can both be reduced.
Received: 13 September 2022
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