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Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.  2024, Vol. 35 Issue (3): 197-200    DOI:
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Analysis of readiness and influencing factors of return to work in maintenance hemodialysis patients
PENG Yuan1, ZHU Linfang1, YUAN Huaihong1, LIU Xiaofang2, HU Xiao3
1. Department of Nephrology / Institute of Nephrology, West China Hospital Affiliated to Sichuan University/West China School of Nursing, Chengdu 610041, China;
2. Hemodialysis Room, Yucheng District People’s Hospital of Ya’an City of Sichuan Province, Yaan 625000, China;
3. Hemodialysis Room, Jiangyou People’s Hospital of Sichuan Province, Jiangyou 621700, China

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