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Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.
2011 Vol. 22 No.06
Published: 01 June 2011

Withdrawal from and treatment of network addiction
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 461-464 [Abstract] ( 601 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 910KB] ( 543 )
Application of ultrasound-guided ENCOR vacuum biopsy device in minimally invasive breast surgery
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 465-467, [Abstract] ( 1018 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 751KB] ( 539 )
The association between single nucleotide polymorphisms of plasma cell membrane glycoprotein-1 gene and coronary artery disease
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 468-471 [Abstract] ( 919 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 583KB] ( 481 )
Prognostic significance of serum MMP-9,endostatin and VEGF for patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 472-474, [Abstract] ( 1403 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 802KB] ( 531 )
Preparation and evaluation of ST-PLA\PELA block copolymers capsules
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 475-478 [Abstract] ( 622 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 1025KB] ( 481 )
Evaluation of analgesic effects of intravenous parecoxib sodium in patients after minor abdomen surgery
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 479-481 [Abstract] ( 613 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 519KB] ( 492 )
Management of perioperative glucose in low body weight infants with congenital cardiac disease
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 482-484, [Abstract] ( 756 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 751KB] ( 474 )
Investigation of morbidity rates and influencing factors of metabolic diseases among navy pilots
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 485-487 [Abstract] ( 678 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 557KB] ( 493 )
Efficacy of compound glycyrrhizin in treatment of hepatitis induced by anti-tuberculous drugs
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 488-489, [Abstract] ( 616 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 520KB] ( 478 )
Effect of up-regulated heme-oxygenase-1 level on the vascular endothelial function and blood pressure in experimental diabetic rats
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 490-494 [Abstract] ( 7569 ) [HTML 8KB] [PDF 815KB] ( 524 )
Efficacy of doctaxel or pemetrexed plus cisplatin in treatment of patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 495-497, [Abstract] ( 1032 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 678KB] ( 605 )
Efficacy of laparoscopy combined with choledochofiberscopy in exploring the common bile duct
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 498-500 [Abstract] ( 976 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 568KB] ( 533 )
Gemcitabine alone versus gemcitabine plus carboplatin in treatment of elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 501-504 [Abstract] ( 1093 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 701KB] ( 479 )
Effect of ultrasonic irrigation on eliminating the endotoxin in infected root canals
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 505-507 [Abstract] ( 799 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 661KB] ( 498 )
A survey of Type A behavior and personality among officers and soldiers with white coat hypertension in Chinese People's Armed Police Forces
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 508-509, [Abstract] ( 1016 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 546KB] ( 513 )
Single nucleotide polymorphism of matrix metalloproteinase-2-735C/T is associated with essential hypertension accompanied by carotid atherosclerosis
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 510-512 [Abstract] ( 1032 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 589KB] ( 596 )
Effects of taxnae and related analogues from taxus cuspidata on proliferation of HeLa cervical cancer cell line
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 513-516 [Abstract] ( 644 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 739KB] ( 444 )
Antidepressive agents combined with cisapride in treatment of functional indigestion
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 517-518 [Abstract] ( 518 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 515KB] ( 414 )
Hollow nails combined with conventional nails in treatment of femoral neck fracture and fracture of femoral greater Tuberositasy
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 518-519 [Abstract] ( 576 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 506KB] ( 411 )
Low molecular dextran combined with compound miltiorrhea injection in treatment of oligohydraminios
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 519-521 [Abstract] ( 901 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 689KB] ( 440 )
Integrated therapy of 122 patients with herpes zoster
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 521-522 [Abstract] ( 614 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 574KB] ( 413 )
Rhinoscopic transoral allied approach for resection of hypertrophic adenoids in 106 children
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 522-523 [Abstract] ( 717 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 613KB] ( 470 )
An intraoperative standardized method in clinical practice for finding hernia sac
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 523-524 [Abstract] ( 679 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 546KB] ( 428 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 525-527 [Abstract] ( 948 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 728KB] ( 482 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 527-528 [Abstract] ( 454 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 523KB] ( 407 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 528-529 [Abstract] ( 547 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 531KB] ( 464 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 530-531 [Abstract] ( 659 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 543KB] ( 430 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 531-532 [Abstract] ( 806 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 503KB] ( 392 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 533-535 [Abstract] ( 950 ) [HTML 6KB] [PDF 692KB] ( 566 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 535-538 [Abstract] ( 782 ) [HTML 7KB] [PDF 778KB] ( 457 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 538-538 [Abstract] ( 475 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 251KB] ( 546 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 539-540 [Abstract] ( 799 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 620KB] ( 441 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 540-541 [Abstract] ( 1045 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 651KB] ( 483 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 541-542 [Abstract] ( 649 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 612KB] ( 479 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 543-544 [Abstract] ( 832 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 586KB] ( 528 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 544-545 [Abstract] ( 719 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 561KB] ( 522 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 546-548 [Abstract] ( 666 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 760KB] ( 554 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 548-549 [Abstract] ( 1289 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 594KB] ( 521 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 549-550 [Abstract] ( 1051 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 594KB] ( 424 )
2011 Vol. 22 (06): 551-552 [Abstract] ( 349 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 164KB] ( 218 )
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