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Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.
2000 Vol. 11 No.01
Published: 01 January 2000

2000 Vol. 11 (01): 1-1 [Abstract] ( 286 ) [HTML 2KB] [PDF 283KB] ( 469 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 6-58,6 [Abstract] ( 285 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 768KB] ( 269 )
Experimental study on the change of D2 receptor activities in cerebral cortical microvessels following early brain injury
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 7-9 [Abstract] ( 344 ) [HTML 5KB] [PDF 186KB] ( 406 )
Evaluation of therapeutic effects of laser in situ keratomileusis for myopia of high degree
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 10-12 [Abstract] ( 561 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 187KB] ( 496 )
Establishing a model of acute gastric mucosal damage in rats by explosive noise
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 12-14 [Abstract] ( 475 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 190KB] ( 430 )
Notes on the mosquitoes, midges and a new species and a new record of biting midge from southern hilly area in Anhui Province,China(Diptera:Culicidae and Ceratopogenidae)
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 14-16 [Abstract] ( 368 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 176KB] ( 418 )
Serial study on the origin of myeloma done in multiple myeloma
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 16-17 [Abstract] ( 485 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 143KB] ( 458 )
Changes in plasma neurodepression content in patients with cerebrovascular diseases
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 18-19 [Abstract] ( 478 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 131KB] ( 426 )
Comparative study on pulmonary ventilation volume and oxygenation index determined by manual control in a case of acute respiratory distress syndrome
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 19-20 [Abstract] ( 503 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 134KB] ( 437 )
Ultrasound features in 30 cases of tsutsugamushi disease
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 20-20 [Abstract] ( 417 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 72KB] ( 446 )
Application of microtraumatic technique to heart operation: report of 13 cases
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 21-22 [Abstract] ( 477 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 157KB] ( 438 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 22-22 [Abstract] ( 392 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 76KB] ( 471 )
Distribution of bacterial flora and spectrum of drug- resistant bacteria from infected patients in ICU
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 23-24 [Abstract] ( 396 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 111KB] ( 480 )
Analysis of urine samples from 36 000 patients with urine analyzer: results and quality analysis
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 24-25 [Abstract] ( 407 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 108KB] ( 469 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 26-26 [Abstract] ( 385 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 81KB] ( 422 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 27-27 [Abstract] ( 515 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 86KB] ( 433 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 28-28 [Abstract] ( 356 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 52KB] ( 444 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 28-28 [Abstract] ( 382 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 52KB] ( 463 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 29-29 [Abstract] ( 460 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 88KB] ( 533 )
Present status of and thoughts on cardiovascular speciality in the Chinese People' s Armed Police Forces
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 30-31 [Abstract] ( 460 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 143KB] ( 668 )
Relationship between activation of blood platelets and injury of vascular endothelial cells in patients with coronay heart disease
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 31-33 [Abstract] ( 458 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 222KB] ( 423 )
Early prediction and control of acute myocardial infarction complicated with pump failure
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 33-34 [Abstract] ( 385 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 138KB] ( 406 )
Comparison of QT dispersity in infarcted area and ischemic area after acute myocardial infarction
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 34-35 [Abstract] ( 439 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 126KB] ( 397 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 35-36 [Abstract] ( 412 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 148KB] ( 346 )
Catheterized radio frequency against atrial flutter and quantitative marker of successful two - way blocking Therapeutic effectiveness of transcutaneous balloon mitral valvoplasty in 83 patients with mitral stenosis complicated with atrial fibrillation
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 37-37 [Abstract] ( 471 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 64KB] ( 424 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 38-39 [Abstract] ( 319 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 167KB] ( 589 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 40-42 [Abstract] ( 385 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 172KB] ( 424 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 42-42 [Abstract] ( 427 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 68KB] ( 412 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 43-44 [Abstract] ( 503 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 132KB] ( 409 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 44-44 [Abstract] ( 369 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 71KB] ( 422 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 45-47 [Abstract] ( 517 ) [HTML 4KB] [PDF 187KB] ( 391 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 47-47 [Abstract] ( 567 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 77KB] ( 376 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 48-48 [Abstract] ( 463 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 65KB] ( 426 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 49-49 [Abstract] ( 453 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 82KB] ( 465 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 50-51 [Abstract] ( 411 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 170KB] ( 369 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 51-52 [Abstract] ( 399 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 174KB] ( 413 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 53-53 [Abstract] ( 363 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 86KB] ( 375 )
2000 Vol. 11 (01): 54-56 [Abstract] ( 511 ) [HTML 3KB] [PDF 197KB] ( 499 )
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