目的 评估改良Chevron截骨术联合
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of modified Chevron osteotomy combined with adductor pollicis amputation for treatment of mild or moderate hallux valgus by observing patients’recovery and prognosis.Methods The pre-operative and post-operative clinical data of 36 cases of mild or moderate hallux valgus (50 feet) were analyzed retrospectively. The AOFAS and VAS for the effect of operation were quantified.Results The scores and follow-up results showed that postoperative hallux valgus symptoms of all the patients had greatly improved. No wound infection, necrosis of the metatarsal head or nonunion was observed. The mean pre-operative HVA was 31.1°±4.3°, but was decreased to 14.8°±2.9°( P<0.05) post-operatively. IMA was decreased from 14.5°±3.4° to 7.4°±2.5°( P<0.05). The mean AOFAS score was improved from 48.7±7.0 points to 85.1±5.7 points( P<0.05).According to the performance assessment, 20 cases (26 feet) were excellent, 12 (19 feet) were good, and 4 cases (5 feet) were average, with an excellent and good rate of 90%.Conclusion The modified Chevron osteotomy combined with adductor pollicis amputation can be used in the treatment of mild or moderate hallux valgus to a good. effect This approach is worthy of improvement and clinical application .
伴随医疗技术的改进及人们对健康医疗意识的提升, 普通民众对于
手术前常规麻醉, 一般选择踝周神经阻滞麻醉方式, 对踝关节周围的胫神经、腓深神经、腓浅神经分别予以麻醉。手术入路选择足背第1、2跖骨间位置, 向下纵行分离跖骨间组织, 并将覆盖在
术后关节进行制动, 伤口处绷带包扎, 为防止手术部位感染, 可静脉给予抗生素预防性治疗, 复查X线片, 观察手术部位关节愈合和恢复情况。术后1 d可穿前足免负重鞋下地活动, 活动和功能锻炼时避免手术关节负重, 术后35~42 d可正常穿鞋活动。
所有患者手术切口均正常愈合, 术后随访未发现严重并发症者, 轻微并发症有皮神经损伤导致皮肤轻度麻木2例, 矫正过度导致
目前, 临床常用的跖骨截骨术可分为3类:(1)跖骨远端截骨术, 如Wedge截骨术、Chevron截骨术、Mitchell截骨术等; (2)跖骨干截骨术, 如Ludloff截骨术, Scarf截骨术等; (3)跖骨近端截骨术, 如楔形截骨术, 基底弧形截骨术、近端Chevron截骨术等。相对于跖骨干及跖骨近端截骨术, 跖骨远端截骨术在跖骨颈的松质骨内截骨, 具有稳定性好、愈合迅速、疗程短等优点, 但矫正畸形能力有限, 只适用于轻中度第1、2跖骨间IMA增大的患者。Mitchel截骨术虽能明显纠正
Chevron截骨术能够改变畸形的关节关系, 近几年已经在临床取得了越来越多的科研成果, 对于轻中度的
Lee等[10]认为, Chevron截骨术本身对关节的破坏已经相当大, 不宜再破坏周围的软组织, 否则可能导致整个跖趾关节的可用组织大大减少, 影响跖趾关节功能恢复和预后, 甚至引起神经损伤等并发症。但是, 如果不松解跖趾关节周围的粘连, 很可能导致畸形矫正无效, 患者也会感觉跖趾关节活动不灵活, 影响后期恢复和矫正效果。因此, 笔者采用在改良Chevron截骨的基础上配合周围软组织的松解治疗。
总之, 经过病例回顾和相关理论实践讨论, 本研究选择了经过改良的术式作为临床推荐术式, 并对这种术式的疗效和预后情况进行了跟踪调查, 从而证实了改良后术式的临床可行性, 推荐临床应用。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.