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  2014, Vol. 25 Issue (3): 278-282    DOI:
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赵 智1,谢立群2,罗俊卿1,简 明1,刘 展3
1. 410006长沙, 武警湖南总队医院内二科;
2. 300162天津, 武警后勤学院附属医院消化内科;
3. 410008长沙, 湖南省人民医院消化内科
Expressions and clinical significances of CRKL and Ki67 in esophageal cancer
ZHAO Zhi1,XIE Liqun2,LUO Junqing1,JIAN Ming1,and LIU Zhan3
ZHAO Zhi1, XIE Liqun2, LUO Junqing1, JIAN Ming1, and LIU Zhan3. 1. Department of Gastroenterology, Hunan Provincal Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Changsha 410006, China, 2.Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Hospital of Logistics University of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Tianjin 300162, China, 3.Department of Gastroenterology, Hunan Provincal People’s Hospital, Changsha 410008, China

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