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武警医学  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (12): 1025-1028    DOI:
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徐培章1, 詹兴旺2, 陈宇华2, 陈朝晖3
1.214035 无锡,武警第二机动总队医院外一科;
2.661199 蒙自,武警第二机动总队机动第八支队卫生队;
3.102613 北京,武警特色医学中心突发公共卫生事件医学防治研究所
Curative effect of minimally invasive treatment of Rüedi-AllgöwerⅡ, Ⅲ closed Pilon fracture with L-shaped anatomical locking plates assisted by C-arm X-ray machine
XU Peizhang1, ZHAN Xingwang2, CHEN Yuhua2, CHEN ZHAOhui3
1. Department of Orehopedics,Second Mobile Corps Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Wuxi 214035, China;
2. Health Team of the Eighth Detachment of the Second Mobile Corps of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Mengzi 661199, China;
3. Institute of Medical Prevention and Control of Public Health Emergencies, Characteristic Medical Center of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force,Beijing 102613, China

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