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武警医学  2015, Vol. 26 Issue (4): 370-372    DOI:
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张颖1, 杨春梅2, 刘百川3, 曹雷1, 周磊1, 贺延4
130052 长春,武警吉林总队医院:1.精神卫生科,2.心内科,3.医务处;
Effect of psychological intervention on blood pressure of stress reaction and long-term prognosis in patients with hypertension
ZHANG Ying1,YANG Chunmei2,LIU Baichuan3,CAO Lei1,ZHOU Lei1, HE Yan4
1. Department of Mental Health Division,2. Department of Cardiovascular Diseases,3.Medical Department,Jilin Provincal Corps Hospital,Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces,Changchun 130052,China;
4.The Third Department of Internal Medicine,Beijing Municipal Corps Hospital,Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces,Beijing 100027,China

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