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武警医学  2018, Vol. 29 Issue (3): 221-223    DOI:
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刘辉1, 耿瑞慧2, 李成1, 张立辉2, 马红亮2
1.100089 北京,武警总医院机关门诊部保健科;
2.073000 定州,武警8640部队医院内科
Effects of “Devil-week” extreme training on biochemical parameters of Armed Police special soldiers
LIU Hui1, GENG Ruihui2, LI Cheng1, ZHANG Lihui1, and MA Hongliang1
1. Health Care Section, General Headquarters Outpatient Department, General Hospital of Chinese People,s Armed Police Force, Beijing 100089, China;
2. Department One of Internal Medicine, Hospital of Armed Police Force 8640, Dingzhou 073000, China

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