Toxicological assessment of safety of apple polyphenols |
SUN Jing,LI Ling,ZHAO Yanwei,and XIE Wenli. Department of Pharmacology,Logistics College of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces,Tianjin 300162,China |
Abstract Objective To evaluate the safety of apple polyphenols. Methods The acute toxicity test, Ames test, bone marrow cell micronucleus test, mouse sperm abnormality test and 90 day feeding test were used in this study according to the procedures for toxicological assessment of foods. Results When the value of LD50 was above 10.0 g/kg BW,apple polyphenols were non-toxic. The results of Ames test, bone marrow cell micronucleus test, and mouse sperm abnormality test were negative. All indexes during the 90 day feeding test were normal. Conclusions Apple polyphenols are safe in this study.
Received: 04 January 2012
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