Compliance with doctors’ instructions in patients with diabetes mellitus in different stages after discharge from hospital and countermeasures
CHEN Huaimin1,LIU Enhua2,and WU Feng3.
1.Department of Medicine, 2.ClinicalLaboratory,the Second Hospital of Qinghuangdao, Qinhuangdao 066600, China;3.Wuhai Branch Medical Unit of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Corps, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Wuhai 016000, China
Abstract Objective To study factors related to diabetes patients’ compliance with doctors’ instructions and solutions. Methods 189 patients with diabetes mellitus on their first visit or under recovery after leaving hospital were recruited, followed up for 3,6,9,12 months after by questionnaires. Active intervention was implemented between the seventh and twelfth month. Results The awareness of diabetes mellitus and submission indexes in diet, physical exercise, medication and regular examinations 6 months after discharge was lower than at 3 months, and the rate of blood sugar control was only 25.4%. By contrast, six months of follow-up nursing intervenetion enhanced dramatically patients’ compliance with doctors’ instructions, and the rate of blood sugar control was up to 81.5%. Conclusion Regular follow-up health management of patients with diabetes mellitus can lead to closer relations beteen patients and nurses as well as more effective control of blood sugar levels.
CHEN Huaimin,LIU Enhua,and WU Feng.. Compliance with doctors’ instructions in patients with diabetes mellitus in different stages after discharge from hospital and countermeasures[J]. Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc., 2012, 23(9): 770-772.