The clinical study of relieving the aged hypertension Patients’dental anxiety with single tooth anesthesia |
GUO Cui1 and WANG Jianbin2 |
GUO Cui1 and WANG Jianbin2.1.Department of dental geriatrics,Beijing Stomatological Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100050,China; 2.Department of stomatology,General Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Beijing 100039,China |
Abstract Objective To study the efficacy of reliving the patients’dental anxiety by using the single tooth anesthesia.Methods We compare the single tooth anesthesia with the traditional anesthesia method to obtain the clinical efficiency and the anxiety level of the aged hypertension patients.Results Comparing the situation of after anesthesia and after tooth distract with the before anesthesia ,we can see that there is significant increase in systolic pressure and diastolic pressure in tradition group(P<0.05).There is significant lower in visual analogue scale(VAS) and modified dental anxiety scale(MDAS) mean level of the STA group than the tradition group(P<0.05).There are more person with dental anxiety in tradition group than STA group.The mean score is lower in STA group than tradition group on comfort level of tissue.In the follow-up visit in one week after the surgery,37 patients would make the choice to use STA in the oral anesthesia.Conclusion The usage of the single tooth anesthesia in oral anesthesia could relive the dental anxiety of the aged hypertension patients to retain a clinical comfort level.
Received: 10 June 2016
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